AU Ford Falcon - SPUD Project

ECU Relearn

ECU Relearn

This is a combination of the steps for an ECU reset and a Throttle Position reset, adapted from FordMods forum posts

If your AU Falcon has the battery disconnected for a period of time or engine running items such as the Idle Air Control unit or the fuel injectors are changed, you may find that the car has a stalling or hunting idle issue. If this is the case, follow the procedure below to relearn the throttle and idle parameters

  1. drive or run car until it is up to temperature or the Thermo fans kick in
  2. park on a flat surface and turn the vehicle off
  3. turn the vehicle on and leave in Park (Neutral for manual transmission vehicles) with all accessories off (radio, AC, 12V accessories, etc.). Leave running for 2 minutes

    Do not use the accelerator in this time

  4. turn the air conditioner on and leave running in idle for another 2 minutes
  5. with your foot on the brake pedal and the handbrake engaged, turn the air conditioner off, and put the vehicle into Drive (1st gear for manual transmission vehicles). Leave running for another 2 minutes
  6. turn the air conditioner on and leave running for another 2 minutes

    If you are driving a manual transmission vehicle, this is the final step

  7. turn the air conditioner off and leave running for 1 minute
  8. click the ignition key one step back to turn off the car, and press the accelerator to the floor for at least 1 minute

    Do not turn the car all the way off

    Do not change gears to Park/Neutral in this step

  9. Put the car back into Park (Neutral for manual transmission vehicles) and turn the car the rest of the way off
  10. done

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