AU Ford Falcon - SPUD Project

Manufacturer Specific Instructions - CodeEzy

Manufacturer Specific Instructions - CodeEzy

What you need

CodeEzy Remote

A CodeEzy CE1009


  1. hold the top right and bottom left buttons of the CodeEzy remote until the indicator LED blinks once

    Pairing Buttons

    The buttons to press in order to start the pairing process

  2. press the button you want to set on the CodeEzy remote
  3. with the original remote facing the CodeEzy remote, press and hold the button you would like to set the CodeEzy remote button to on the original remote, e.g. Lock/Unlock, until the indicator LED on the CodeEzy remote flickers quickly, then release

    Pairing Position

    The position your 2 remotes should be in to minimize clone failure

  4. (optional) set the remaining buttons by repeating previous steps until all 4 buttons are programmed
  5. done

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