AU Ford Falcon - SPUD Project

Manufacturer Specific Instructions - Remocon

Manufacturer Specific Instructions - Remocon


What you need

Instructions (Series 1 Smartlock remote)

  1. press and hold buttons 2 and 3 to enter into dual frequency programming mode. The display should show r111

    In theory this can also be achieved by pressing button 1 to go into single frequency setting, however the tested unit was unable to achieve this

  2. hold the OEM remote to the programming area on the RMC-888 and press and hold the button you would like programmed to button 1 until the display reads done. After this the display will show a code such as b-10, however this is not particularly important, as this simply denotes the type of Remocon remote that can be used with the copied code

    Picture of OEM Remote on programming area of Remocon-888

    place OEM remote as shown

  3. the display should now read r112 to signify the next button to be added to the configuration. continue adding buttons using the above method for up to 5 buttons, then press button 1 to skip through programming of other buttons

    Process tested programming to the following:

    • r111 lock/unlock button
    • r112 boot button
    • r113 lock/unlock button
    • r114 boot button
    • r115 (skipped)
    • r221 (skipped)
    • r222 (skipped)
    • r223 (skipped)
    • r224 (skipped)
    • r225 (skipped)
  4. after completing the segment reading r225 either by skipping or programming, the display should read 0.0, signifying that the programmer is back to the “main menu”
  5. ensure the frequency jumper is in the correct position to send 275-345mHz signals, and then plug the RMC-555 remote into the programmer using the small 6-pin ribbon cable on the RMC-888 programmer device.

    Diagnostic port

    Location of the plug where you should connect the 6 pin ribbon cable

    Frequency Jumper configuration

    Photo of the position that the frequency jumper should be in on the RMC-555 remote

  6. Press button 2 to duplicate the current configuration to the attached keyfob. the display should read Pb10
  7. Once you are back at the home menu, test the fobs by comparing the frequency of the new keyfob vs the original OEM one. Use the frequency adjuster screw to make minute adjustments to the frequency until the both match as closely as possible.

    Frequency Adjuster Screw location

    Turn this screw to make small adjustments to the frequency of the remote. Recommended margin of error is ±0.5mHz

  8. done

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