Central Locking Keyfobs
Due to the change from Smartlock to Smartshield midway through the AU Falcon S1 production, the key fobs for these cars are split in 2
These remotes are actually inherited from the EL Falcon before it, and are a 304mHz sender with a Ford specific secure code built in to discern individual remotes. As a result of their age, finding good condition original ones are becoming harder, and even once found the rubber buttons are prone to wearing quicker than their S2-3 counterparts. They appear to use a fixed code sending mechanism, however the specifics of each fobs codes is yet to be decoded
As of time of writing in 2024, the only manufacturer of “off the shelf” aftermarket keyfobs for this model is KEYDIY, however their remotes have a high failure rate. Please see the list in the Aftermarket Replacement section for better remote clone options
Photos of an OEM Series 1 keyfob
The S1 Ute remotes are missing the boot button (right)
these remotes are far closer to what would become the standard for the BA/BF model Ford Falcons after them, however they still employ a 304mHz frequency. These remote have more aftermarket replacements available* an are easier to find replacements for due to their relatively higher commonness, and appear to employ a double-length security code with some form of “code-hopping” to discern specific remotes and prevent a common method for breaking in respectively, theoretically making them more secure. They are noticeably larger than their S1 counterparts, however they are also far more durable, reparable, and ultimately, replaceable*
* at the time of writing, 2024
Photos of an OEM Series 2-3 keyfob
The S2/3 Ute remotes are missing the boot button (bottom right)
The following steps must be started within 10 seconds of closing the door
These steps will not work if you’re cars electronic locks are faulty i.e if the lock actuator requires rebuilding
In the Smartshield models of AU Falcon (Late Series 1 - Series 3), a locking mode can be specified using a factory remote. Note that this does not work on any known aftermarket remote, only the Ford OEM Remotes. To change the remote mode, simply hold down the lock and unlock buttons at the same time for approximately 3-5 seconds, the car will acknowledge with a flash of the indicators. The 2 modes available are:
Below is discovered information found while attempting to create a DIY aftermarket guide to creating Smartlock/Smartshield remotes using off the shelf solutions (heavy bias towards Smartlock due to higher ROI if successful):