AU Ford Falcon - SPUD Project

Premium Audio System

Premium Audio System

Information on this page is incomplete due to lack of resources

Some models of the AU Falcon were optioned with the Premium Audio System, which improves the audio solution of the vehicle by adding an external amplifier and a subwoofer (in some bodys). This is easier to find in the “Upmarket” models of the vehicle, such as the Fairmont GHIA or Fairlane, however any model could be optioned with it, assuming it was requested at the time of original purchase


The following information is known about the factory Subwoofer:

Information Notes
Size 8.5”
Manufacturer Pioneer
Resistance 4Ω
Model # Varies, generally `TS-08*****


The following information is known about the premium audio Amplifier from the AU Falcons:

Information on the Amplifier is limited due to a limited amount of these vehicles being still available for parts

Information Notes
Manufacturer FMS Audio (Now known as Sanyo)
Channels 1
Wattage Unknown, assumed 200-250W approximate
Connection Subwoofer & Rear Speakers
Availability Unknown, possibly unique

Plug Information

All connections for the speakers and subwoofer in the amplifier are screw terminal style connectors. As such, for any re-wiring attempts, small spade terminals should be used for the wires. There is also a single plug that is assumed used for power, however the connector is unknown at this time

Page printed from The AU Falcon SPUD Project, visit for more!