Exterior Door Handles
The exterior door handles on the AU Falcon are relatively easy to remove and replace if required, however due to their materials, they are somewhat difficult to repair, as they rely on plastic locking pins and relatively thin springs.
In some selected models of AU-BFIII Falcons, a second spring was added to the door handles. This is the preferred handle assembly to get if a replacement is required, as a single spring handle CANNOT be fitted with an additional spring (as it is missing a plastic tab for holding the second spring in place). Information on the models that the additional spring is present on is scarce, but the recommendation is to look for higher trim models (Fairmont, Fairlane, etc.)
Photos of the single and dual spring handles respectively. Note that these were both from Forte (S1 and S3 respectively), indicating a change between the 2 models. note where the spring to the left of the S3 handle sits on a plastic indent that isn’t present on the S1s
Use the following steps to remove the exterior door handle:
Photo of screw locations
The clips themselves are easily removed by simply rotating the clip and pulling out the rod from the hole it sits in, however be careful as these clips are plastic and may break if too much force is applied
Photo of one of the clips from a drivers door handle (black plastic section). a push in the direction of the arrow will free the rod and allow you to pull the rod from the handle itself.
remove the 2 10mm bolts holding the door handle to the sheet steel door assembly
Bolt locations. Note that the left bolt is removed to show the sheet steel tab both bolts are fastened into
pull the door handle through on the exterior side. You will need to gently pull towards the front of the vehicle and up to unmount the bottom clips, and which point you can rotate the handle to feed the spring mount(s) and key hole rod through the door hole
(If replacing a driver door handle) remove the single 10mm bolt holding the key hole assembly in place, and rotate approximately 1/8 of a turn clockwise. From this position the key hole assembly should simply pull out and can be replaced by following this step in reverse order
Key hole assembly photos before and after turning clockwise, and post-removal. Barrel is able to be removed from the point in the second photo