AU Ford Falcon - SPUD Project

Component lifespans

Component lifespans

This list can’t possibly be completely accurate due to environmental conditions of each cars life. Estimates are based on cross-referencing of various sources, and you should ALWAYS verify if a part needs to be replaced before replacing if at all possible.

please refer to the table below for expected lifespans of various components, along with notes regarding failure and lifespan:

Part Name lifespan Notes
ABS Speed Sensors 200,000km check and replace if triggering when braking with slight steering at slow speed
Alternator 250,000km assuming no leaks from power steering, check for battery light on dash or running voltage less than 13v
Battery 5 years voltage should read 12.3-13v while car is off and 13.5-15v while car is running in idle
Ignition Coil Pack 150,000km Ignition Coil can be tested for resistance, known failures below 9KΩ secondary resistance
Oil filter 20,000km assuming still using rated 5w30
Power Steering High Pressure Line 100,000km can be made significantly longer by getting redesigned aftermarket line without gap between nut and line
Spark plugs (copper) 20,000km more likely to start phantom misfiring at idle as they start to fail
Spark plugs (iridium) 75,000km generally worth extra cost vs. Copper
Steering Rack 150,000km look out for popping noise when nearing full lock
Thermostat 100,000km can fail open (temp. constantly on C using more fuel) or fail closed (quick to overheat). Can be easily extended by using coolant rather than water for the cooling system

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