AU Ford Falcon - SPUD Project

Reading Vehicle Identification Plate (Build Plate) Codes

Reading Vehicle Identification Plate (Build Plate) Codes


You can find the Build plate near the VIN Plate, on the passenger side rear of the inside of the engine bay.

Vehicle Identification Plate Location

The location of the Vehicle Identification Plate

Codes and What They Mean


The Vehicle Indentification Number, or VIN, is printed on the build plate as redundant information. Further information can be found on the VIN Plate Page

SIDO Number

The Single Item Dealer Order number, or SIDO, is simply a unique build identifier for the specific vehicle. It holds very little relevance past date of original sale


The Model number is a more specific identifier of the trim model that the vehicle was built with. Refer to the table below for what each number corresponds to:

Number Model Body
18932 Fairmont Sedan
18933 Forte Sedan
18935 XR (6 or 8) Sedan
18938 Fairmont GHIA Sedan
18946 LTD (Fairlane) Sedan
18949 Fairlane GHIA Sedan
18962 Fairmont Wagon
18963 Forte Wagon
18964 Futura Wagon
19934 Futura Sedan
45913 XL Ute
45914 XLS Ute
45973 XL Supercab Ute
45974 XLS Supercab Ute
45975 XR (6 or 8) Ute


The engine code identifies the specific factory motor that was installed. Refer to the table below for what each code corresponds to:

Code Engine Identifiable Traits Notes
H I6 Silver rocker cover Base Model Engine
S I6 LPG Green rocker cover Gas Engine. Standard in Taxi Models
X I6 HP Red rocker cover High Horsepower I6 Engine. Standard in XR6 Models
Y I6 VCT Red rocker cover with visible VCT solenoid fitted to front and VCT embossed on top of rocker cover Variable Cam Timing Engine
Z V8 (5L) Only standard V8 Standard in XR8 models

Some engines may be harder to identify due to changed parts since assembly. This is only a guide to what the car had from the factory, not what has been replaced or painted since.

Any model with Tickford additions, in particular the T*50 models, should have an additional Tickford options plate.


The transmission code identifies the type and location of the transmission. Refer to the table below for what each code corresponds to:

Code Type Location
H Automatic Column
K Manual Floor
W Automatic Floor


Information on these codes are sparse but should refer to the Rear and Front Axles. Their purpose is unknown due to all accessible cars for Project not including values


The trim code refers to the interior color and accents used throughout the vehicle. Refer to the list below for what each code corresponds to:

While these trim code will narrow down the exact trim inside your vehicle, it will not uniquely identify it, e.g. a Series 1 Forte and a Series 3 Fairmont share the same trim code G1, however the patterns in the cloth seats are different

Information pulled from multiple sources. As such this may be incomplete. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy

A* - Aubergine

Code Material Restrictions
A3 Leather TS50/TE50/TL50

B* - Charcoal

Code Material Restrictions
B1 Cloth  
B2 Cloth XR6/XR8
B3 Leather  
B5 Cloth Promotional* see note below
B7 Leather Fairlane Sportsman
BB Leather Blue trim TE50/TS50
BR Leather Red trim TE50/TS50

For Trim code B5, information suggests that this was the base cloth trim for the 75th anniversary AU Fairmonts, however this has other usage in at least one other model observed (AUIII SR Forte)

G* - Graphite

Code Material Restrictions
G1 Cloth  
G3 Leather  
G4 Vinyl Taxi


The Paint code refers to the exterior paint used throughout the vehicle. Refer to the tables below for what each code corresponds to

These codes are not only specific per model of car, but per series of AU Falcon

Information pulled from multiple sources. As such this may be incomplete. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy


Code Color Notes
22 Taxi Orange Taxi Vehicles Only. Rare
H Dynamic White  
J8 Alaskan Frost Silver
MB Mystic Blue Apparently Rare, sparse information available
P4 Hot Chilli Red  
T5 Oxford Green  
W6 Amaretto Faded Gold or rose-gold color


Code Color Notes
A1 Winter White  
B7 Barossa Red Similar to C2 - Regency. Rare
DG Congo Very Dark Green
K6 Meteorite Darker Silver
LD Liquid Silver  
MN Monsoon Very Dark Blue
NR Narooma Blue Similar to GY - Galaxy Blue however lighter shade. Rare
OZ Organza Metallic Gold, commonly mistaken for AUI Amaretto
S9 Sand Storm Darker Tan
UU Blueprint Lighter Blue
VF Venom Red

Shared (AUI-AUIII)

Code Color Notes
44 Taxi Yellow Taxi Vehicles Only
B5 Sparkling Burgundy Very Dark Red
C2 Regency Darker Red
GY Galaxy Dark Blue
ST Silhouette Black


Information on this code is sparse but should refer to the Brakes. Their purpose is unknown due to all accessible cars for project not including values

GVM kg

Gross Vehicle Mass, or GVM, refers to the maximum weight a vehicle can carry when fully loaded, Including the vehicle weight, passengers, cargo, fuel and other equipment. While this number is not stamped on most models, the general consensus is that the GVM would range from 2220-2740kg

Information on this code may be incorrect due to all accessible cars for project not including values. Value range discovered through a mixture of information from the Magnum MFG website, and internet photos of AU Falcon ute Build Plates

This section is also present on the Vehicle Identification Number Plate


The Gross Combination Mass, or GCM, is the maximum weight of a car and trailer combination that can be used with the vehicle. While this number is not stamped on most models, the general consensus is that the GCM would range from 3810-4790kg

Information on this code may be incorrect due to all accessible cars for project not including values. Value range discovered through Magnum MFG website

Model information

The last “code” on the build plate isn’t a code at all but rather a model abbreviation and body type. this code doesn’t have a title on the plate and simply reads the Model Code (AU) followed by the Body Type

e.g. for a Series 1 Forte, this would read AU SEDAN

e.g. for a Series 2 Supercab, this would read AUII UTE

e.g. for a Series 3 SR Wagon, this would read AUIII WGN

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