Reading the Vehicle Identification Number Plate
You can find the Build plate near the Build Plate, on the passenger side rear of the inside of the engine bay.
The location of the Vehicle Identification Number Plate
The approval number is simply a reference number that can be checked against by authorities. There is no public database of the information linking this number to any paperwork known.
This code refers to the type of vehicle this has been classified as under the relevant Australian Design Rules (ADRs). All AU Falcons should be classified as MA
Category, however for completeness of information, a list on all non-commercial ADR categories are listed below:
- MopedLB
- 3 wheeled MopedLC
- MotorbikeLD
- Motorbike with sidecarLE
- 3 wheeled motorbikeMA
- Passenger vehicle not covered by MB
or MC
- Forward-control passenger vehicle with less than 9 passengers (e.g. Toytoa HiAce)MC
- Off-road passenger vehicleMD
- Omnibus (not exceeding 5t)ME
- Omnibus (exceeding 5t)This section does not have a title printed on the plate, but has generic information on the type of vehicle it is attached to, likely according to a classification system defined in the ADR legislation. Known values are listed below:
Description | Known Models |
Sedan, Wagon |
Ute |
Gross Vehicle Mass, or GVM, refers to the maximum weight a vehicle can carry when fully loaded, Including the vehicle weight, passengers, cargo, fuel and other equipment. While this number is not stamped on most models, the general consensus is that the GVM would range from 2420-2740kg.
Information on this code may be incorrect due to all accessible cars for project not including values. Value range discovered through Magnum MFG website
This section is also present on the Vehicle Identification Plate
This code is the number representation for the factory fitted seats available in the car on manufacture. Known configurations are shown below:
Seats | Vehicle(s) |
2 |
Ute |
3 |
Ute with Bench seat and Column Automatic transmission |
5 |
Standard Sedan or Wagon |
6 |
Sedan or Wagon with bench seat and Column Automatic transmission |
This section shows you the month and year that the car was assembled, in the format MM/YY
The Vehicle Identification Number is the most uniquely identifying number on the vehicle, as is required for registration and compliance reasons. The VIN can be decoded to determine some basic characteristics of the vehicle, and in some cases can be used to ensure that the VIN supplied in a sale or registration situation matches what should be associated with the car.
Use the link below to view an interactive tool that can help with decoding basic information on an AU Falcon based on the VIN number
JavaScript is required to use this calculator!VIN Decoder
Information in order to manually discern basic vehicle information from the VIN is detailed below:
Information from this was largely scattered across multiple forum posts dated as early as 2005, information may be helpful but may not be 100% accurate. To date this has been tested working on
All AU Falcons should start with the first 3 characters 6FP
, due to the fact that these characters appear to represent the unique identifier for Ford Australia
theoretically this is supposed to stand for 6 = Australia and FP = Ford Australia, but there was no known source for this information other than word-of-mouth
Similar to the first 3 characters, the following 3 are also always going to be the same, this time AAA
, however this is due to the letters being unused, not because they mean anything
Similar again to the first 6 characters, the last 2 characters that should be the same for the AU Falcon are JG
. These codes stand for the following:
to summarize, any AU Falcon should start with
these characters appear to signify the body style for the Falcon. Note that this does not signify the exact trim model, but rather the chassis that the model is built on, which can narrow it down as below:
These characters define the year and month respectively that the car was manufactured. Use the list below of values to determine the code for the vehicle, based on the format below:
The benefit to this is that the month and year gleaned from this will also be the RAV entry date, should you need it for registration etc.
The final 5 characters are a unique serial number to identify the car. The only known rules about these characters is that they should all be numeric, and that they should be printed sequentially, meaning that in theory you could more accurately determine manufacture date assuming you had a vast amount of VINs from the same month/year
To ensure that you have the matching engine to the original chassis, you can check the number stamped into the engine block to determine if it matches the Body. The engine number is the last section of the VIN, explained below:
the engine number should match the last 11 digits of the VIN on the body and VIN plate on the car, e.g. the following VIN:
Should have the following engine number:
The Engine number should also be locatable on the rear lower section of the engine block, on the exhaust side near the bell housing mount for the transmission
due to age, the engine number may be hard to ascertain, as the area the number is dot-matrix stamped onto is prone to long-term surface rust. rubbing flour over it can make damaged numbers more legible if damage is minor, but moderate to severe rust will render it unreadable